6:00 pm:
Cliff and I talked about having an on-line New Year's Eve party, but never ironed out the details (I think we're both 'big picture' people). The party is casual, come as you are. Let us know what you're up to via the comment's section. If you email me (queenbeenora@gmail.com) a photograph I'll post it.
I'll check in via iPhone from the shows that I'm covering.
Have a sparkly fun safe evening!
Ralph is here (I think he took the "come as you are" a little too seriously).
Found Cliff - he and Ralph are choosing the wine.
Those two clean up nicely!

Beautiful Rachel is here - looking festive in red.
Kim and Wayne are here- but they only have eyes for each other.
I found Bad Influence Girl and she found a feather boa - that seems to be made of real feathers!
Yes, the year is four whole hours old. I'm home and in my jammies. Bad Influence Girl is deposited safely at her house. I'm feeling a little queazy, not from drinking (I had half of a cocktail all night) but from a cheese burger, fries and a giant vanilla Diet Coke.
Thanks for coming to the party, you were all perfect guests - charming and witty.
Good night and Happy New Year!
Am I the first to arrive? At least I'll get a get a comfortable seat.
Well, a Very Very Happy New Year To You All!
I am having my own liyyle "actual" New Years Party...So I am getting ready to do thst, right now!
Meanwhile....I wish you a Very Very Happy New Year and may 2008 be a WONDERFUL for you and yours!
Raising a glass of Champagne to you right now! Have a LOVELY Party!
Thanks for inviting me! I'm so honored!
Jacob is excited that he gets to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa.
Our snacks are almost ready and we're gearing up to watch some movies. Then we'll watch the ball drop at 11:00. (I can't believe that the ball drops an hour early in Kansas!)
Queen Bee,
I'll have to pass as Queen Tigre and I are leaving for pizza then a NYE party at a friends. Perhaps I will take a picture and email you later?!?
Happy New Year to one and all!
I'm getting semi-dolled up to go out to the Big Damn Band NYE extravaganza with Barfly. I'll be seeing Nora there, so I'll wave via her iPhone!
Happy New Year everyone!
Got here before Cliff But . . .that's not hard to do.
A party!!! Whoo-hoooo!! I haven't been to a party in a longggg time!! Looks like Cliff isn't here. He's probably improving his marriage with Marilyn tonight. I just hope he isn't doing it by staring at her!
Do have a wonderful New Year Nora. I'm raising my glass to you now as well! Cheers!!!
I stopped the movie to check the weather. I thought there might be a tornado or something. Just a cold front moving through.
Back to my Pirates!
Thanks for the invite. I love coming to parties where I can weat comfortable clothes [PJs and drink whatever I want!] Michael and I and his friend Quentin are watching movies and eating snacks. We gave up on the IU game--poor Hoosiers.
Nicely done Nora, nicely done.
Home from round one at Goodfellas restaurant.
Now on to the party!
Our kids and grandkids think we're a couple of fuddy duddies. Just wait until we tell them about the rockin' New Years Eve party we attended at Nora's this year. Wish everyone could see the fireworks display on the lake. Our poor old dog Slim is shaking but it could be she's afraid of Ralph in those hair curlers. Happy New Year one and all and special thanks to our party hostess!
Ralph in his curlers!! Go Ralph!!!
He's a brave man.
What happened to Cliff?!?
LOL - Too much fun :)
No photo from me. If I sent you a photo you would see 2 very tired people watching boring TV. We aren't the party type, I guess. LOL.
Happy New Year, my friend :)
Well, if you were home (we are CST here) you would be getting this:
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
Happy New Year, Nora!
That's all the better I can sing.
Thanks for the invite, I'll be back when you're home.
I thought that Kim and I posted at 11:30- the message was: We're having good smoky fun.
I'm now at Steak 'n Shake with Bad Influence Girl.
I'll fill in details later.
Wayne and I just got home from Steak and Shake too! We listened to a bunch of totally intoxicated frat dudes drunk dialing their "girlfriends." I'll bet they won't be their girlfriends tomorrow!
Thanks for coming to Spin tonight. It was great ringing in the new year with you!
I always leave the best party until last and this one is the best. Beautiful decorations and I love your dress. Wow, that must have cost a fortune.
The other parties didn't have food this good. How did you make that dip. It is to die for. I brought a couple of bottles of Silvercreek wine as a hostest gift. I left it out on your porch. Keep Ralph away from the bottle of rose'. It makes him an...hard to live with.
Man, It is coooold outside. Sorry about tracking snow across your floor.
Did Jerry leave already? Oh Look, Rachel's still here. I'm gonna run have a visit with her. Later Nora.
Oh man, what a party, I have a headache this morning.
Good morning, Nora. Your party was a whoozei! Or should that be doozie? Anyway it was great.
I was always one step behind, I could peek in at the Red Eye but they were packed! It's good you got there early.
Anyway I got side tracked over at the MouseTrap watching the football and motorcycle jumps on the widescreens.
I'll drop in again, thank you so much.
BTW, it was a little scary at your place, there was a group having a party on your porch!
Wallflower! As ususal, I was the party wallflower. Damn! I had my wig on and everything. However, perhaps everyone knew that if I took my wig off, I would look just like Ralph! Not a bad look for Ralph and my bald headed brother, just a sad look for Granny Annie!
You were so close! The Mousetrap shares a parking lot with Local's Only, where I went to see the end of the punk-rock show. I had to park around the corner, otherwise you would have spied my truck. I think you would have enjoyed the band.
Dangit! I missed the party, between running downtown to have a NYE beer with my friend Peter, then to have a NYE beer with the next-door neighbors, then to have a drink....you get the idea.
It looks like everyone had a great time, too!
I missed the party!! I was rocking with Dick and my family!!!!
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