Saturday, January 01, 2011

happy new year

Feet happily pointed to 2011

I’m not a New Year’s resolution sort of chick. Hell, who am I kidding – I’m not an any-time resolution girl.

I do have several goals for this year. 

In 2011 I’ll have one of those significant birthdays. The one that ends with a zero and starts with a five. It feels like this might be my last chance to shape up. And changing my shape is tops on my list. I’d like to lose 10 more pounds by my birthday.

I also need to get fiscally fit. Two years ago I had $10,000 in the bank and no credit card debt. Today I have $5.61 in savings, a car and a house. Credit card debt hovering between not-so-scary and holy-crap! Nothing that can’t be whipped in a year, with a lot of belt tightening and barring any disasters.

Write, write, write. I was in too much of a funk last year to finish a series that I started for our weekly paper and I hope I didn’t blow the relationship.

And I miss you all.


See you tomorrow.


1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

Love the direction of those boots. HNY Nora:)