Tuesday, June 19, 2007

deep breath

To say that I've been feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement.

This is a busy week.
Finance committee meeting in the morning (what the hell I'm I doing blogging?), talk at a Kiwanis club tomorrow evening and Ted Nugent tomorrow night (with a backstage pass -- start the prayers now!). Wednesday brings a board meeting and a donors reception. Thursday is the agency executives meeting for United Way, Friday is graduation for the culinary class -- I will be speaking and the Meridian Kessler fundraiser dinner/dance (the only thing I like less than a dinner/dance is a dance with no dinner)that evening.

The finance meeting and the board meeting have me freaked out. I officially took the financial part over the last week in May. We're just looking at the May numbers and the year-to-date stuff, so I'm not technically on the hook for them. But I'm so afraid that I will not be able to answer a question.
Getting ready for the board meeting is taking twice as long as I thought it would. I worked today on making an offer to a bookkeeper and the usual stuff that happens in the course of a day of a not-for-profit agency that prepares and delivers 2900 meals and rescues thousands of pounds of food each day.

So, of course what did I have on tap for tonight?
Bartending at the Red Key.
I was so panicked that in my four minutes between jobs that I froze.
My craziness manifested itself into total indecision about picking out a tee shirt to wear to work.
After four shirts tried on and rejected I wound up with a plain black one.
I rolled my jeans up, stuck my hair up in a ponytail and ran out the door sans makeup.
I managed to look exactly as crazy as I felt.

So, we all know what happened.... three different guys that I am interested in came and sat at the bar. One of them that I've known for twenty-five years. His band used to play with my punk-rock buddies back in the day. One of the tee shirts I tossed on the floor? His old band.

I'm off to bed to toss and turn for a few hours.
I'll fall in to a deep sleep a good fifteen minutes before the alarm goes off.


Ralph said...

Relax a little. At the finance meeting use the excuse you are still pretty new at this task. It'll work for a good six months. At the board meeting state that so aren't as prepared as you'd like to be as you ahve been spending all your time trying to get a handle on the finances.

Cliff said...

Good luck with it all Nora. If anyone can do it..you can'

Tee/Tracy said...

Oh MAN! Bummer about the shirt. That would have been awesome! DARN IT! lol