Friday, August 03, 2012

indiana state fair 2012 - day one

I’m going to try to keep my streak of attending the Indiana State Fair each day alive.

This is the year of the Dairy Cow and of course I have a fabulous dairy cow ring combining my love of themes and accessories. You too can have an original ring made by the talented Jenny Elkins. You can purchase one in the Gazebo in the Fairgrounds or directly from Jenny on her esty page. 

I haven’t entered any open-judging competitions since I gave up on the Spam contest years ago. In honor of the Dairy Cow theme I decided to try again and threw my cheese in the ring for the Special Agriculture contest in the appetizer category. The criteria included using at least 8 ounces of dairy products and yielding at least four servings.

my recipe being judged

I entered “Easy Cheesy Mini Roll Ups” and got second place! It was all very exciting. 

Gold, Silver, Bronze...I mean, Blue, Red, White

I also did very well on the baked goods that I entered. My Snickerdoodles got first place – I was thrilled. There are lots of entries in that category. My toffee got third place, which is the highest I’ve ever placed.   

I met the Lieber twins and their mama for a quick spin around the Home and Family Arts building. 

We looked at my other entries – first place ribbon on the “tramp art” plant stand that my Great-Aunt Theresa bought from a “hobo” during the Depression, and my 1952 4-H postage stamps also got a blue ribbon.

I entered a Spaceman PEZ that got second place in the Baby Boomer toys division. My Lebanon 1902 toothpick holder got fourth place in that division.

We walked around for a bit and jumped on my favorite ride – the tractor tram. Tammy and the twins headed home for a nap, and I explored Pioneer Village. 

Pioneer Village and I have something in common. 

I’m always happy to catch up with Dick Reel - he’s doing well and looks great.

I was just in time for the threshing ring demonstration in the Village.

I got to chat with Mauri Williamson for a minute. I always get a little bumbly and tongue-tied around him. He started Pioneer Village as a display under the Grandstand and has grown into an awesome interactive part of the Fairgrounds.

All and all a great first day at the Fair! 


sheila said...

Love the posts, Nora--keep them coming so those of us thousands of miles away can enjoy the fair too!

Cliff said...

I'm sitting here wondering how snickerdoodles would ship?