Thursday, October 02, 2014


[Click on title for full post]

I'm rough on my phone. I readily admit it.

My precious iPhone has been dropped and generally tossed around.

One morning this summer I put it on the kitchen counter like I do every morning while I fix my breakfast (Greek yogurt, a few slices of banana, a handful of raspberries, and a spoonful of Uncle Sam's cereal) and take my vitamin.

Only on this morning the phone was sitting in a puddle and the damn thing soaked in the water. Lots of water. The results were that the phone lost power quickly (60% to zero in seconds) and barely worked as a phone (randomly calling other people during an active phone call and/or switching to mute while talking). None of that bothered me too much - I don't really like to talk on the phone anyway and I bought an external battery pack to solve the losing power problem.

My contract isn't up until December and I had every intention of waiting it out. I mostly use the iPhone for taking photographs, reading e-mail, watching Netflix, playing Words with Friends, and goofing around on facebook.

Then the damn thing broke my heart yesterday.

The camera quit working - the front "selfie" lens worked - that is how I awkwardly took the picture of the calendar yesterday. And today nothing. Nothing at all.

The image above is a screen shot I took of phone in camera mode. Ugggh.

I'll "wipe" the phone and re-install the software tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it works. And that I don't lose all of my contacts....if you don't hear from me you'll know why. That and the fact that I really don't like to talk on the telephone.

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