Thursday, February 03, 2011

icepolocypse 2011 day 3

Back to work today.

Folks need to eat.

My car is still stuck as stuck can be.

Thankfully neighbor Kipp gave me a ride to work. He picked me up at 7:30 after chipping the ice off of his truck. On the way in I commented that I couldn't believe that school was called off again, which he hadn't heard. And it meant that his office was closed too. Whoops!

The potato fork is coming in handy. I'm not sure I could walk down the hill of my icy driveway without it. Lots of salt and chipping and an hours work cleared one of the doors to Second Helpings.

We told the volunteers to stay home, but some came anyway — which was great, the staff worked in the kitchen and helped deliver the meals.

I sorted bread and desserts. I love thinking about the folks we're serving — cupcakes to the kiddos and pies to the seniors. 

Being hands-on today reminded me of the generosity of our donors and volunteers. 

Life ain't bad. 

Except for this damn ice. 

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