Saturday, November 01, 2008

october experiment wrap-up

The October Experiment sucked. I really hated it. As Ralph pointed out, I posted in batches. All written in a panic in an effort to cross something off my list.

Some were easy to write, some emotional and others just plain goofy. I felt committed to finishing the project and not skipping a day, but I feel like I missed some good stuff along the way. And wrote some crap to fulfil the obligation.

I am glad that I finally wrote about the CPR incident. Of course writing about the twins was fun and I love the picture of my feet in the booties and the severed finger cookies. Still, I'm glad its over.

I put a lot of pressure on myself in October. Work has been nuts, which I typically thrive on. I worked on finding entertainment for a marathon and beat myself up way too much when bands weren't falling out of the trees to volunteer. I took it very personally when bands didn't want to play at 8:00 on a potentially cold morning - as it turned out it was sunny and warm. Thanks for your offer to help, Teresa.

I started a home organizing project that emptied the stuff out of my two closets. And the planned yard sale never happened. So I've added other people's crap to my crap. I've been dodging junk on my porch, living room, dining room and bedroom for a month. I literally have a path open to get to the other side of the house. I'm slowly chipping away at it. I might even be able to invite company in to the house soon.

All of this caused me to turn down paying writing gigs [*gasp], miss exploring a career opportunity that I wanted to pursue and burst in to tears at extremely inappropriate times.

Here's to a new month and back to our regularly scheduled program.


  1. I've recently had the thought of putting a tent up in my backyard to entertain guests.


  2. I don't know if I could have done the October Experiment Nora. Glad you made it through.

  3. It's over and you survived! I love that picture of you with all the little pez's in the background!! I don't think I ever saw one of those and I had never heard of them until I started reading your blog! Honestly.

  4. Look at all those Pez dispensers!
    Your blue eyes pop off the page in that photo.
    Slow down, lovely lady, and hopefully those bursting into tears incidences will happen less often.
    Oh, I saw a terrific Pez gift pack with all the Batman comic characters. I think there were six Pezes in the pack. I immediately thought of you.
