Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ffa goodness

I had the grand pleasure of attending the National FFA convention kick-off luncheon. And I got to sit with three state chapter presidents --Maine, Vermont and Ohio on one side and two delegates from North Carolina on the other.

I've always had faith in our youth, seriously. I think there are a lot of good, smart, caring kids running around. It does make my heart swell to see them packaged all clean and shiny and wrapped in blue corduroy jackets. There are over 500,000 youth in FFA nationally and something crazy like 55,000 people attend the convention. It's wild to see the sea of blue jackets walking through the city. 

I grabbed Bill Stagg, the director of information for the national association as he was walking by the table. He jokingly told the FFA kids that they were sitting with one of the most important people in Indianapolis. I had to spend the whole lunch convincing them it wasn't true. 

Click here for photos from the Indianapolis Star. Here is last year's post


  1. I have always been a sucker for someone in an FFA jacket. Again, I'm totally jealous of the stuff you get to do and the people you meet.

  2. Kids: That guy wasn't kidding. She's also one of the nicest.
