Monday, December 24, 2007

christmas eve at the red key (holiday party #21)

Christmas Eve at the Red Key feels like a big neighborhood reunion. Good cheer, hugs and Christmas presents were flying.

ceiling fund tree

The Red Key collects money for the "ceiling fund" all year. There is a big bake sale earlier in the month and money is collected on the ceiling year round.

All of the staff of the Red Key have a stocking that hangs all month. I take mine home every year (and leave it on the front porch overnight to air some of the smoke out) and save it for Christmas morning. It is typically chock-full of lottery tickets, PEZ, music and candy.

stocking pre-presents

Russel sings Silent Night with the family gathered around him at the end of the afternoon - I missed it this year, but it is a guaranteed tear-jerker.


  1. I like those upside down Christmas trees! Pretty!! How nice to get all those goodies in your stocking. I bet it does reek of smoke after being in there!

    I trust your Christmas was wonderful and you are probably going a mile a minute today!!

  2. Very cool. Hope you had a great holiday!

  3. I hope your stocking was full of lots of goodies!!
