Thursday, March 15, 2007

poor papa

Today was a great work day--even though it wound up being 16 hours long. And I left my window open and it rained an inch in one hour in to my truck. And my basement flooded. Really, it was a terrific day.

I just wrote and deleted 500 words about how great it was.

I'll pare it down to this:
My sister, dad, best friend and her mom volunteered today.
The students created a mock restaurant and we served 75 guests.
The volunteers prepared and delivered 2900 meals in a four-hour shift.
We rescued 15,000 pounds of food from the Sysco Food Show.

My favorite part of the day?
When I told my dad I was going on a weekend trip with Jerry to Nebraska to visit Cliff, that I met through a blog.

I think Dad made the sign of the cross and started a novena.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Our families also thought we were nuts to go visit someone we met online. They also couldn't believe that we ended up singing in Cliff's choir that weekend. It was great fun! I'm sure you'll enjoy them too!

  2. Nora
    I know it is a little out of the way but is a there a chance you and Jerry could swing by and pick me up? We could all go out together. I mean really what is a few extra hundred miles?

  3. I went clear to Vegas and shared a room with a girl I met on a blog last year and had a ball. Have a great time.

  4. Oh, how neat that you are going to get to meet Cliff and Marilyn!! I wish I could go with you!!

  5. BTW, as I recall Jerry received a "ceremonial corn ax" (or somethign like that) when he was there. Make sure you get one too!!
    Equal rights for us women ya know!! :)

  6. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Tell Dad it's gonna be fine. Cliff hasn't been on America's Most Wanted in years!

  7. My ears were burning. Now I see why. This is kind of exciting...especially for Dad I see.
    Let's see Terah, a couple of Catholics in a Baptist choir. Do Catholics in Indiana know how to sing?? They don't in Nebraska. :)

  8. Terah,
    How fun! And, go Boilers!

    Ralph, I'm sure Jerry and I can swing by...right Jerry?

    Teresa, I'm sure it will be a blast...or good blogging.

    Rachel, a ceremonial corn ax sounds like a bad thing to have on an 8 hour car trip. I'm afraid Jerry would use it on me!

    Cliff, I'm looking forward to attending your church. But I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. In 7th grade only two people did not make the choir. The other one was in special education. 'Nuff said.

  9. Heheheh, lovely post!

