Tuesday, March 13, 2007

dishwashing disaster

Remember that new Ikea dish rack?
Ikea is known for their sleek stylish Swedish design.
The rack is metal, has a wire rack and draining board.

This evening I was washing my favorite drinking glass as Felix ate dinner.
The glass flew off the rack (it has no sides), hit the cats head, and broke the dish he was eating from.

I think the cat is okay, not that he will let me get close enough to see.
The glass and plate did not fare so well.

It was a 1977 Ronald McDonald glass.
And I bought it myself at the McDonald's in Lebanon.
In 1977 I was 16 and my friend Kathy Miller and I were two of the folks "cruising" through town.
The McDonald's parking lot was the hub.

I've managed to keep that glass for 30 years--college, cross country moves and too many drinks to count.

The plate had the Masonic emblem on it. I'm not quite sure what the Mason's do, but the plate was left in the cabinet when I moved in to my New Jersey apartment in 1989.

Lessons learned:
No good comes from doing housework, ever.
Trendy and sleek has no place with your mismatched dishes. Those ugly rubber racks are the answer.
The Apollo 11 glasses are going no where near that rack.

I'm going to see if I can replace the glass on eBay.
And call Kathy Miller--I wonder if we still know all of the words to the Bob Seger songs we used to blare through the car radio.


  1. Sorry about the historic glass Nora. I'm sorry. Now I must decide about what. :)
    If you make it here I'll tell you all about the Masons. Any good Catholic girl wouldn't have a way of knowing any of that.
    Probably your Knights of Columbus might be kind of an analogy.
    Hope you can find your cat someday. Did you check the ceiling?

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I feel your pain. I have a glass that was part of a 4-glass set from Migro Seed Corn. It has pretty little ears of corn etched on the outside. Three of the glasses met their demise one by one in my many moves across the country. The last one just will not break.

    That cat has eight more lives. Don't worry about him.

  3. I remember those glasses too. We also used to cruise McDonald's in Plainfield and hang out in the parking lot of the Plainfield Plaza. They still have the loitering sign posted that was passed in 1988. I was so proud.
