Monday, December 15, 2014


[Click on blog title for complete post]

Lucky Numbers

Time to get mathematical – and yes, you may use a calculator. Was there a significant number in your year? A birthday? A first? A personal record? A date now carved in the annals of time? A number that represents a streak, whether winning or losing, good or bad? A bellwether or a lagging indicator or just...three.

I'm not sure if it can be considered my lucky number, but 26 is always on my mind. Twenty-six is the number of daily Weight Watchers points that I am allowed. Forty-nine is the number of weekly points (the ones that you can spend however you like, not just on chips and beer as I am wont to do). Five is my goal for activity points - points earned above my typical day-to-day activity.

I'm a big (not as big as I used to be - get it?) believer in Weight Watchers. It really does work. I've lost 25 pounds and basically kept it off. Except for the five that I gained since September.

So here's to being back to keeping 26 at the top of mind (and off my waist).

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