Sunday, October 05, 2014

and, I'm off....

[click on the title for full post]

I've landed in Denver, driven to Colorado Springs and had a lovely nap since that photo was taken this morning.

I could have slept all evening, but made myself get up so I wouldn't be wide awake at 3:00 AM. I worked both at Second Helpings and the Red Key yesterday and only had three hours of sleep before leaving for the airport.

I'm in Colorado for a conference until Wednesday and am looking forward to seeing my Weight Watchers friends this weekend. I hope to visit college friends in between but haven't gotten organized enough to confirm plans. Sleeping though the the decent hours to call anyone didn't help.

Good night, sleep tight.


  1. Is the fact that you are "off" supposed to be news to us? lol

  2. Sweet Annie, you just made diet Pepsi come out of my nose! Good to see you!
