Sunday, January 16, 2011

house concert - chad mills

View from the best seat in the house - Chad Mills concert

Have you ever been to a house concert? It's just that - a concert in someone's house. I love them - everyone is there to listen - no bar chatter or blenders whirling drinks or freakishly tall people standing in front of the stage. And the musicians have time to tell stories and talk about their songs. I took Mom to see one of my favorite musicians, Chad Mills, play the Redbud House Concert Series tonight.

I'm a big fan of Chad's - not only do I think that he's a great songwriter and I've enjoyed seeing him grow and stretch his wings in the last five years, but Chad is an outstanding member of our music community. He plays early morning farmer's markets*, charity events and is generous with his time. But most importantly, he's committed to his beautiful wife and cute-as-a-button daughters. He seems to manage the balance of home, work and family.

Click here to hear "Meant To Be." 

I've heard musicians say that they feel naked playing a house concert. There is no microphone or equipment or smoky haze to hide behind. As an audience member, I felt stripped down also - no notepad or camera or speaker to shield me from the music. And that is what makes house concerts so great, you really have a chance to connect with the words and music.

I encourage you to attend or host a concert. It's as easy as pie (ummm, pie). I wrote a cover article for NUVO about house concerts - you can read it here. If you're interested in hosting a house concert read my how-to guide here

I'm mad at myself that I didn't think to shoot a video of one of Chad's other songs, but I didn't think of it until his final song of the night. .I'll leave you with the video I took of his last song, the title track  and bar band anthem from his latest CD, Make the Door. You'll have to excuse my late start and my giggling at hearing his mom shout, "DRINK LIKE FISH!"

See you tomorrow!

 * I asked Chad to fill in at the Broad Ripple Farmer's Market for last minute cancellation. Not only was the weather cold and rainy, but the Broad Ripple High School marching band was practicing just a few yards away. 


  1. That is the absolute coolest thing I have ever heard of. I would love to attend such an event but I can guarantee you there of none of those happening around here.

  2. Lurve house concerts. Thanks for the pointer to the Redbud series!
