Friday, January 14, 2011

flummoxed fridays

Casual Fridays confuse me.

Partly because my everyday work dress is not formal. My days are pretty unpredictable. Just this week I've done everything from shoveling snow to conducting job interviews....wait, that was all just yesterday!

Luckily, most Fridays we have guests or graduation or something that requires me to not "dress down."

Today is one of the days that I could have dressed more casually. And that confuses the Hell out of me. I usually even wear a skirt to waitress/cook in most Saturday nights.

My casual dress for today? Boots, scarf and black dress. Suspiciously close to what I wore yesterday - boots, scarf and black dress. Except that it took me three time as long to get dressed. I left a heap of jeans and sweaters and shoes on the floor.

Maybe I should add wearing jeans to my goals for 2011 list.

[meet the artist behind the Farm to Fair project: Douglas David]


  1. Look at you -- honoring your commitment to post more often on your blog and I have fallen behind on my blog reading so I've missed your last 12 posts!!! I am bad.

    Let's have a video of the band that includes your typewriter playing:)

  2. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Cute outfit! I especially love those snazzy boots. If you shovel snow dressed like that, then you're a real trooper.
    Come snow, sleet, rain, or hail, Nora the brave will always prevail!!
    No job is too difficult for Nora in her skirt, tights, and boots!!
