Wednesday, January 12, 2011

farm to fair

 Nora and Doug

 With all of the snow and freezing weather it is hard to imagine that it will ever be warm again, let alone August-hot.

I'm really looking forward to this summer because I get to work on a dream project. I get to write about Indiana agriculture and the Indiana State Fair for an exhibit that will run all seventeen days of the Fair!

I will be blogging about it here: Farm to Fair.

The wonderful artist, Douglas David and I were kicking around the Indiana State Fair last summer and I was struck by the different things we appreciated about the Fair.  As an artist, Doug was drawn to the color and pageantry. As a writer and farm girl, I was interested in the people and the history.

I am very proud of my agricultural roots, but realize that we are almost 100 years past the time that most Hoosiers lived on farms. I don't want us to be so far removed from our food supply that we cannot connect the dots from a soybean to a corn dog.

The goal of the exhibit is to draw that line with paintings and words.

We were able to apply for a grant (more about that in a future post) and with the generous help of some State Fair folks we got the green light last month.

The whole thing still feels surreal to me: I get to write about the Indiana State Fair and food and farms? And get paid?

It's going to be a good year.

1 comment:

  1. Nora
    I have to agree - when you put it like that it will be a good year. Have fun.
