Monday, July 05, 2010


 [too damn lazy to take a photograph]

Sometimes I think I’m the laziest person I around.

I know what you’re going to say. I have three paying jobs and write for three publications and am in charge of upkeep on two houses and all of the paperwork and keeping track of stuff that comes with all of those obligations. And parents.

But sometimes I just stop in my tracks.

Today is one of those days.

I mostly just sat on my bum and watched episodes of Nip/Tuck. I finally garnered enough energy to put on my swimsuit and go to the pool. First order of business – grilled cheese with ham and fries, tamped down with an ice-cream cone.

I did swim/walk in the lap lanes, chatting with friends, for over an hour.

Today was good for the soul, if not for housekeeping or deadlines.


  1. I think I am the laziest person, especially in this hot weather. Some days I just don't want to do anything! And I don't. Well, I do just the things I have to do! I would never ever consider you lazy Nora!! You just can't go like the Energizer Bunny all the time! You need a day to relax occasionally.

  2. "...tamped down with an ice-cream cone." - love this.

    I'm right with you. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, I revert to lazy. Just last Monday, day off, 2 hour nap in between big fat lunch and catching up on TiVo... and I relished every second.

  3. "I'm not for housekeeping or deadlines" is as 'Noraesque' as it gets. Good stuff.
    My Dad was fond of saying sometimes I sit and think, but mostly I just sit.
    Your walk down memory lane to your 4th of July at Blogstock got me side tracked and man the memeories did flood over this old soul. Great stuff you wrote.
