Friday, September 18, 2009

hello....anyone still out there?

Um, hi. Is there anyone out there? Can you hear me? I don't blame you if you're gone.
I've been busy doing boring life stuff - keeping all of the balls in the air and trying to be a good employee, daughter, writer and hostess. And keep the house picked up and the basement clean and the grass mowed and the truck from falling apart and the weight off.

I got to write about one of my favorite things this summer - the Indiana State Fair. Read my Top 10 picks by clicking here.

I also went to the State Fair each day. It almost killed me! You can follow that here.

I'm committing to checking in here more often.
Pinky swear


  1. I keep thinking that if I spent less time on Facebook then I'd have plenty of time to write down all the blog post ideas that are floating around in my head!

  2. I can find you on facebook but I really miss you being here. Is that right that you have not posted since June?!!! We shall hold you to that pinky swear.

  3. Glad your back.

  4. What a refreshing read Dear Nora. You're one of my favorite writer and now you're back. Yippee. This was great stuff. I'll admit I had to stay to see what the heck the nipple deal was.

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