Friday, November 21, 2008

okay, just one more...

The Tonic Ball is the cover story for NUVO this week - with a great illustration by the very talented Wayne "Barfly" Bertsch. Wayne also drew at strip that describes Second Helpings very well. See it here.
You can read the cover story here, complete with some slightly dorky Nora quotes. Not that I didn't say them....
I'm looking forward to tonight. I've been battling a wicked cold and I'm full of fizzy medicine. I might have to have a medicinal whiskey tonight....


  1. Hope you getting feel better. Medicinal whiskey ?

  2. I could open the cartoon but not the article. It was such a fleeting dream to think I would have highspeed internet. Boo Hoo

    Meanwhile, my husband makes a killer hot rum toddy that cures all ills. If you could slow down long enough to curl up all cozy and sip a toddy you would be better in no time.

  3. Well I'm ready for bed on this Friday nite but I'd guess you're just getting started. Hope you had a blast!

  4. I liked the cartoons Wayne made of you & Second Helpings.

    Cool. Pass me some of that medicinal whiskey...

    And justsoyaknow: I posted "54 Things About Me" for my 54th birthday. You inspired this for me a few weeks ago. The only problem is, as my sister so graciously pointed out; I'm not 54 until 2009. Still can't do math.

    I have OTHER gifts...

  5. That comic strip is really cool!
    Queen music rocks!!!

    Try some moonshine.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Nora.


  6. Nora, I hope you are feeling all fine now. Having a cold is no fun. You probably needed the medicinal whiskey!!

    I do hope you have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving and relax some!

  7. Hey Nora, that Tonic Ball sounds like left over hippies. Those locals (some made big time like ZZ) were under every tree here n the Houston area. I used to ride my motorcycle from tree to tree, loading dock to loading dock, etc. to hear them.

    Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you can take enough of that fizzy stuff, the medicinal type, to get you well by then. See you again at Blogstock '09 this summer.

  8. Nice comic strip. I hope you are feeling better now!
