Saturday, October 11, 2008

jennifer and aaron

Cousin Aaron got married today! And we all love Jennifer.

The wedding Mass was wonderful. You had no doubt that they were in love and had the blessing of their friends and family. I was honored to serve as Eucharistic Minister at the Mass. They got married at the beautiful Holy Family church in Jasper, Indiana.

The reception was a blast and was held in the hotel where most of us were staying. This photograph was taken around 11:00 pm, six hours after the reception started. Aunt Lucille is one of Dad's sisters, her birthday is next month and I think she'll be 82. She's dancing with three of her many grandchildren.

I really had a wonderful time, I got to have great, meaningful conversations with several of my cousins. A friend from Evansville joined me for a while, braving the overwhelming group of cousins.

It was very liberating having the party in the hotel. You didn't have to worry about how you were going to get home and there is comfort in partying with people that you know have your best interest at heart. Let's just say that I blew my Weight Watchers points for the day on beer and wedding cake. If I'm dancing, its a pretty sure bet that I might have a bit of a hangover in the morning.

Congratulations to Jennifer and Aaron, I'm thrilled for them.

For more photographs click here. Heavily edited, of course.


  1. How wonderful!
    I absolutely LOVE that photo!
    I hope I'm dancing with my grandchildren when I'm 82.
    I could go for some wedding cake right now.
    Sounds pretty yummy.

  2. Nice rabbit ears on Aunt Lucille!

    So, you up for hitting Strassenfest in Jasper next August?

  3. How lovely!! Your Aunt Lucille looks like she is having a wonderful time!!

  4. A fun wedding. I haven't been to one of those in ages. Funerals, yes, but not many weddings.

    How fun!

  5. Ah, nice photos and write up. Thanks for the peek into your family's life.

  6. Hi Nora, I had to get caught up with you. And I found out that you sneaked into Texas and didn't invited me even one day to the Austin City Limits Festival. Guess I can look for you Saturday nights on TV.

    Did you know that Texas is like drinking, people leave and get headaches (hangovers). The only way to fix them is to get back for more Texas (booze).

    I shook hands with President Johnson while he was campaigning. He came to our work (NASA Houston) to address the space troops (us).

  7. Your photos are wonderful. I love your 82 year old aunt. She is a jewell. Like J.D., I'm certainly hoping to be dancing with my grandchildren when I'm 82.

    We attended my grand niece's wedding yesterday. I managed to keep the tears away until my nephew gave away his daughter and then I gave away my tears. I can sure blubber.
