Sunday, October 05, 2008

broad ripple village

I worked at Marigold today. I only work there one Sunday a month, but its usually after a Saturday night Red Key shift. If all goes well on Red Key nights I can be showered and in bed by 3:00 and I have to be at Marigold by noon. As you might guess I'm a usually a little grumbly and tired on my way to work.

This morning I goofed around so much that I didn't have time to stop at Northside News for coffee. Once I get to work I'm fine and happy to be in Broad Ripple. I always enjoy working at Marigold once I get there. The customers are great and my shift always feels like one big shopping day. My biggest challenge is not spending too much money on clothes.

Most Sundays I'm scrambling to write my Gazette column, but for the first time ever - I'd turned it in early. I was free as a bird!

I caught up with Big Hat Books Liz after the store closed for the day. We were walking down the street discussing where to grab a beer, when I spied Mark on the patio of The Corner Wine Bar. Decision made.

I left my beer decision up to Mark, who is the beer expert. He started us out with the very fun Coney Island Freaktoberfest. It pours red- cool stuff.

Liz and I had a delicious dinner and worked on solving our problems. We talked a lot about community. I love being involved in our neighborhood and the community. I've also been struggling with my need to always do the right thing and my need to have people like me. The good news about all of that is that I don't ever have to worry about ducking behind potted plants to avoid anyone. The bad news about all of that is that it's not always fun.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. WYA! is right there with you in the nagging feeling that she always has to do the right thing and to be liked. If you think of a way out of that mindset, let her know. We think that it is amazing all of the good work that you do!
