Saturday, August 16, 2008

indiana state fair day 11

I missed going to the state fair on day 10. I was supposed to be in New York City and that trip was postponed earlier in the week. I looked at going to the Irish Festival in Milwaukee to meet up with my Ireland traveling companions, but that got too complicated. Five whole days off and a plane ticket and I couldn't figure out what to do!

I decided to stay at home. I can't remember the last time I even had two whole days off from all of my jobs. Thursday was spent at the fair with Ann, getting a hair cut, sitting on a park bench talking to a friend for hours, watching the last season of Sex And The City and reading a fluffy book.

By Friday I didn't know how to act and couldn't get it together enough to leave the house before 2:00 in the afternoon. I ran to the Glendale library to display some more PEZ (thanks Erin!) and was so tuckered out that I took a two hour nap. And I opted for Sausage Fest for my evening activity.

My friend David suggested that I pretend that I was out of town and even sent me photographs of NYC to help with the ruse. In the end I just couldn't do it. I was getting a little stir crazy.

I picked my Saturday waitressing shift at the Red Key back up, I'm sure by the time I had a third day off I wouldn't have had the energy to leave the house.

I was on a mission with this trip to the fair. I was there for the express purpose of getting dinner for Jake (my co-worker) and Russel (the owner, celebrating his 90 1/2 birthday) and me.

This has become an annual tradition and I have it down to a science. I hopped on my bike at 4:10 and was walking in to the fair at 4:25 with cash, a cloth bag and a plan.

First stop: The Pork Tent for two pork chop sandwiches. Next stop: The Beef Tent for two ribeye sandwiches.

I usually have little side cups with lids, but my supply (leftover from the coffeehouse four years ago) is gone, so I had to take Dixie cups for the condiments.

Next stop: The Red Barn Elephant Ear stand for two Elephant Ears.

I was back on my bike at 4:35 and pedalling back down the trail.

Home and on my way to work by 5:00

Another successful visit to the fair.


  1. So sad. It's over for another year. ;(

  2. We did not know our county fair was going on until the day the last of the grandkids left!!!

    You make me jealous.
