Saturday, August 02, 2008

basement update

Before: [click here]
Look at the freshly painted walls and floor. And the glass block window. And the new sink. And Grandma Nora's drying rack.

Everything is off the floor and in tubs!

This whole wall is mostly PEZ stuff. I see another project blooming.
And I'm not showing you the stack of tubs holding yard sale goodies.

It sure feels good!


  1. *sniff, sniff*

    I'm so proud of you. So organized.

  2. That looks fantastic. You did a good job (pat pat pat on the back). This is what I want my sewing space to look like someday.

    Your birthday party adventure looked like fun.

  3. Yard sale? *shudder* Never enough $ for my effort. Take it all to St. Vinny and see if they have something to match the stove...
