Thursday, July 24, 2008

nascar comes to second helpings

FedEx gave Second Helpings a Pruis - delivered by Denny Hamlin!
It was a fun day. We combined it with a volunteer appreciation luncheon.

I was in heaven. I had a plan, a clipboard and Ann Herr at my side.
The two of us can do anything, really.

Actually, I'd been talking big and we actually pulled it off.

I had the grand idea that we could turn the garage into a picnic area for 120 with only an hour and a half turn around time.

I love events like this - print and television photographers and reporters covered it - ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN and the Speed Network were there.

Denny volunteered in the kitchen shucking corn. The corn was donated by my dear cousin Leo.

Denny washing his hands- we're food safety geeks around here.

Denny Hamlin and Nora

The Pruis being delivered . Actually it was a faux Pruis. Ours is back ordered. I'm making no commentary on the fact that they drove the fuel efficient car from Chicago and back in a semi truck.

The car was decaled with FedEx, Denny Hamlin's number and the Second Helpings logo.

Here is Denny telling me that he loved me. Or, talking about Second Helpings. I might not have heard him right.

Special thanks to Ann and Nancy. Nancy recruited great volunteers for me, I could not have pulled it off with out her help.

Denny finished 3rd in the Brickyard - and if not for the crazy tire problems, I think he would have won.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That looks like it was an exciting day! Wish I could have come.
