Saturday, February 09, 2008


It it too soon to take the Christmas wreath off of the front door? 

It is a gorgeous day here in central Indiana - a whopping 45 degrees!

I took down the wreath and composted the branches along with the greenery that has been in vases around the house since Christmas. 

I got out the ladder and leaned it up against the house. I know my neighbors thought my Christmas lights were finally comings down. 


I was just changing the bulbs for Saint Valentine's Day. 

White. Red. Red. Red. White. Red. Red. Red. White. Red. Red. Red. White. 
[update: Sunday evening- the temperature is a very February appropriate negative 7 degrees]


  1. Yeah, what is up with this weather?

  2. We're still knee deep in snow here and it's down to zero again tonight. It doesn't melt too good at that temp.
    Neat idea with the lights.
    I enjoyed the Meat meet ya'll attended.
    After reading how to open and drink that beverage I've decided to stick to Bud.

  3. 45 degrees? WOW! I am SO ready for spring.

  4. Hi Nora! The weather here has been great. Mostly in the 50's. When it gets like this, spring fever sets in and I want to be outside working in the garden. We are supposed to be getting an arctic front come through today. Realty check. After all it is February. Love the idea of St. Valentine's house decorations. Well have a good day. Lisa

  5. I'd kill for 45 degrees today. The 90 mph winds aren't much fun either. Hey, at least it's sunny, and no snow on the ground!

    I'm ready for V-Day!

  6. I just re-read your deal on the turkducken and got to wondering how fast they were all going when the turkey suddenly stopped? And where did they find a ground pig that can run that fast?

  7. Next month those lights can be green, white, green, white for St. Patrick's holiday.
    I can't complain about the cold since it's been in the 60's for three days now. It's been a-okay here!!
    Maybe you'll get a heat wave this week and get up into the 50's. That would be nice.

  8. bbrrrrrrr, its freezing here but no snow!!!!

  9. Okay, I'll say it - I already told to many of neighbors - take those @#$%^& lights down. Burn them if you have to. You do not decorate for Halloween, you do not decorate for st. Patty's day, you sure don't have to decorate for valentines day - unless it involves leather and a whip - okay, I digress.
