Sunday, December 09, 2007

my sofa (holiday party # 9)

I'm still not feeling well and decided not to go to a lovely party that I was invited to this afternoon.

Instead of working on the four articles that are due, I did this this.
Warning - swallow your coffee before you click.

...and I love ya Jerry, Cliff and Ralph - we should take this show on the road, or to Tekamah at least!


  1. That is too funny! I made one of Owen and sent it to his mom just now.

    The couch was the place to be today. That's where I spent most of the day, blowing my nose and drinking coffee.

  2. Hi Nora,
    Hope you feel better soon!
    Smiling broadly @ your "article." :D

  3. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "Ice pellets" are heading our way and the weather guy is predicting that we'll loose electricity tonight. The happy thought of this party will help keep me warm tonight!

  4. IBFOR
    You are in so much trouble! And I will tell you why when I quit laughing. Nicely done.

  5. Autographs please! LOL We had sofa party today also because we were iced in. Sounds like bomb blasts around here as tree limbs fall. I'll have to make a party with my spouse, our dog, myself and a rooster!

  6. Nora,
    I notice that you and I are in step. Ralph and Cliff are a step behind. I say we make it a duo and ditch the guys with the two left feet.

    Get better soon!

  7. I resemble that remark Jerry.
    Nora, Nora, Nora, I wanted to just do 5 minutes of blogging and hit the hay. It's 12:15 and a big board meeting in the morning followed by a funeral. After watching and laughing at this I'll have to explain to Marilyn what was so 'darned' funny.
    We love you too Nora, but it's only cuz you're so darned cute and have that green outfit. Bring that with you in July btw. Thanks for making my day and since it's 12:15 I'm going to count it as having made the current one. Now I won't need to look for something better.

  8. LOVE it!!!
    Ralph's curlers added an extra-special touch.

  9. Oh, I hope you are feeling better now.

  10. HA HA!!!! Everyone I know sent me one of these and i walk around singing that song all day!!
