Friday, December 21, 2007

conversation with cliff (holiday party #18)

Today is a slow day at work as I'm guessing it was everywhere but the retail world. There was really no reason for me to be in my office, but the boss can't be the first to leave can she? 

I wrapped everything up that was on my desk and spent some time updating this blog. The intrepid Cliff noticed that the posts were coming fast and furiously and deduced that if I had time to blog, I had time to talk on the phone. 

I started laughing as soon as I heard his voice. It was good to get caught up and talk about stuff that cannot be blogged. 

Cliff had a great idea - a virtual New Year's Eve party. You're all invited! We'll let you know the details --where it will be held and what to bring. The thought is that it will be held on someone's blog and the party will happen in the comments section.  


  1. Oh Nora!

    you have been Memed!

  2. Nora, you win the prize for the most eventful year. Can't wait to get started on next year! It was a joy to find you. Merry, Merry, Happy, Happy, Ho, Ho, Ho......Hope to see you at the 2008
    New Years party!

  3. Yipppee!!
    A New Year's Eve Partay!!
    I will be in CA ringing in the New Year with my daughter, parents, & brother.
    My boys will be in AR having a hick New Year.
    I'll participate in the New Year's Eve blog bash.
    Sounds like FUN!!!!!
    I hope I can bring truffles.

  4. IBFOR
    Count me in on the new years party.
    Talking to Cliff anytime counts as a party. I know what you mean about, "I started laughing as soon as I heard his voice." I sometimes call him or Marilyn even when I have nothing to talk about just because I know I'll be in a better mood. Can't explain it - but then I don't have to.
    This is a fitting party. It is the one that tied my record of 18 a few years back. I have never went to that many since, nor do I want to again. They are fun but wearing.
    Thanks for all your nice comments over the year.
    Char and I wish you a merry, merry Christmas.

  5. I have to check back on this, I will be at my sisters having a grand old time!

  6. I'll be there! I promise to be on my best behavior.

  7. Oh boy a party!!! I agree with granny annie that you win the prize for the most eventful year!!! What a treat to have Cliff call you!
