Sunday, August 26, 2007

small world...or nebraska, anyway

I worked at the Red Key tonight.

A young man sitting at the bar was wearing a tee-shirt with an outline of Nebraska and a star on the eastern edge of the state line. The tee shirt said "Herman is here"

I asked him if "Herman" lives in Tekamah, and he almost fell off of his barstool.
Chris graduated from Tekamah-Herman High School (home of the Tigers).

Off to bed -- after I email Cliff.


  1. I can't wait to get that email. I am assuming two things. Either you fell asleep before emailing me or the USPS has taken over the email domains.
    Jeez, I hope it's the latter.
    Good to see a blog NLS.

  2. Cliff,
    I did fall asleep. Too much work yesterday -- both Second Helpings and the Red Key.

    I woke up thankful that I did not roll over on my computer. I was worried because I could not find the note I wrote about Mr. T-H high school -- it was stuck to my arm. Once again it was abundantly clear why I'm single.

  3. Nora
    Okay - I have to ask. . . did you receive anything in the mail yet?

  4. That's neat!
    That guy probably thought your were psychic until he remembered the shirt he had on.

  5. Small world is right! Did Herman know Cliff??

  6. How cool is that?!
