Wednesday, May 23, 2007

tuesday night all stars

Back in the day, I worked three nights a week at the Red Key, every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.

Tuesdays were my favorite for several reasons, the biggest being the Tuesday Night All Stars.
The TNAS are a group of guys who play basketball September-May.
They were always fun to wait on and very generous to me.
They are genuinely nice men.
More often than not their conversation centers around their wives, children and work.
They talk about weddings and impending births.
Of course, they'd be mad if they knew that I was spilling their manly secrets.

This year they made me a "woman's auxiliary member" and invited me to the year end banquet (FOUR kinds of pizza, paper plates and napkins!).
I brought a cake that looked like a basketball and had the TNAS logo.
They gave me an official tee shirt.
I admit to having a crush on them as a group, a very appropriate-I-know-most-of-them-are-married-and-I-don't-want-to-date-them-but-like-hanging-out-with-them-kind-of-way.
Maybe that is why I was blushing so furously when I ran in to two of them and their wives at church on Sunday.


  1. Ahh, sounds like good guys to hang with. Congrats on your preferment.

  2. Oh, the things you could divulge...

    I'm sure those men were praying hard that Sunday.

    Now, that you're on the inside, you can start bribing them. :-)

    Have a nice holiday weekend.
