Saturday, May 05, 2007

mini marathon...

I walked the 5K race instead.

The Indianapolis 500 mini marathon is one of the largest half-marathons in the US.
I walked my first one in 1987, ten years after it began. I think I've only missed about five in the last 20 years. I would plan trips home from Philly around the race.
In 1986 there were only about 5000 participants. The race was held on a Friday, starting downtown and ending at the 500 Race track. I loved those early-for-me years. Downtown workers cheering from office buildings and school kids lining the streets for high-fives in neighborhoods. Ending at the track was a blast -- friends waiting at the end with coolers of beer.
The half marathon got so big (35,000 participants this year)they moved it to Saturday and changed the race course so you end close to where you start. Now you take a full 2.5 mile lap around the track in the middle of the course. The novelty of being on the track wears off pretty quickly. That is always the longest part of the walk.

Three years ago was the first time I walked the 5K (3 point something miles)instead of the 13.1 mile half marathon.
2005 was the year of the twice broken foot and I didn't want to push it.
I walked with some Red Key folks and loved it.
We were a motley crew.
Mike W. walked the course with 2 unlit cigarettes in one hand (in case of a nicotine emergency) and a screwdriver (and not the Philips or straight head kind) in the other.
My hero, Mike C. walked in work boots, jeans and a turtle neck -- and kicked all of our asses.
Last year my brother ran the 5K and I walked.
It was nice to ride downtown with him. I rarely get to hang with just JR.

This year I had every intention of doing the mini.
Except that I did not train at all (not that I ever have).
And I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was last year.
Anyway, I planned on trying it. What's the worst that can happen?


I woke up in a total panic at 6:55. The race starts at 7:00.
I ran around like nut for a few minutes looking for matching socks (matching as in, both the same color), my race number, the timing chip and my keys -- all the while chanting "crap, crap, crap, crap"
Once I calmed down and realized the 5K started at 8:30 I was okay.

And from the way my knees are feeling, the 5K was a better choice.
I averaged 15 minute miles, which I'm happy with.

Off for two aspirin and a quick nap before work.

Oh, and I've already signed up for next year.


  1. Oversleeping has caused many a person to rush around the house saying crap, crap, crap - or things similar. Glad to hear the 5K didn't start until 8:30.

  2. I'd certainly WALK the 5K race. If I ran it, it would take me the same amount of time any way. I don't seem to go any faster when I run. It's a weird phenomenom.
    WAY to go, Nora!!
    Now, start training for the half marathon.
    Is there a quarter marathon? If so, I'm in!

  3. Good for you!! I'd probably have to stop and rest pretty often! I guess it might depend on the heat and the inclines though!!

  4. I may quit blogging. I'm apparently too old for this. I was reading 'gette's blog. (I thought) And when you got to the part about the crew from the Red Key I thought wow, gette must know nora. Then... oh never mind.
