Friday, April 06, 2007

tad armstrong

Tad is my favorite singer/songwriter.
There, I said it.

He played tonight to promote his spiffed-up shiny EP "Start All Over Again."

I had a great time, I love hearing Tad perform.

Hearing him always brings up memories.
Tad and AVS played together for years...13, if anyone is counting.
I wrote about their last band, Middletown a few months ago when then had a reunion show.
T. and A. are such good friends, I call them "heterosexual life partners."
They still play together occasionally with Susan Cowsill.

I played the new CD in the truck on the way home.
It was a bit of a jolt to hear AVS's vocals and guitar playing.

The good news?
I did not ask Tad about AVS.
I did not try to call, text or e-mail him either.

Maybe I'm moving on...just a tad.


  1. I checked the link and listened. Sounds good to me!!

  2. Happy Easter Nora!!
