Tuesday, March 20, 2007

the peggy sues

I saw a great band tonight.

The Peggy Sues are an all-women punk rock band.
Four musicians, three chords, two minute songs and one set.
Just the way I like it.

The fun part is that two of the members also write for the Broad Ripple Gazette.
The BRG is a great neighborhood/folksy/newsy/only say nice things about people paper.

I'm having trouble posting the link, so click on the post title.
Go to their link page to get to there MySpace account to hear their music.
Sorry to make to so complicated. I'll fix it if I can later.


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Okay. I followed your links and now I'm on some website featuring midgets wrestling in chocolate pudding. It must have been something I typed wrong. Your directions were easy to follow. Really.

  2. Hey Nora

    Can I add you to my blog roll? I am so bad at catching up with everyone. I mean too but I end up getting caught up in something.

    Take care xx
